fI haven’t felt like writing much this week. Not so much that I didn’t want to write, I just haven’t felt as though I had anything to say that didn’t seem frothy and irrelevant. This week my very dear friend lost someone so very close to her, someone she loved immensely, a soul sister. She and her husband are grief stricken, of course everyone around them is. What a difference a week can make in your life. So writing about stuff, which essentially is all I write about seems indulgent. It’s taken me a few days to even open my laptop and it’s only because I was thinking of her this morning, and in doing so something occurred to me. Thoughts in my head that I needed to give voice and order to. It occurred to me how lucky I am that she is my friend.
She deserves privacy so I won’t write about our friendship on a day to day level. How we met, the things we talk about and the way our lives are linked – that’s just the stuff that skims the surface really, why I’m lucky is because we somehow found each other and in doing so found ourselves.
This friend is a brilliant chick who is one of the nicest people I know. That says a lot because as it happens I know a lot of nice people. You know how it is when people just get you. Some of the ramblings that comes out of my mouth is just crazy – I’m forever talking out loud about stuff I should be keeping inside my head but this friend never judges me nor makes me feel as ridiculous as I know I am being. She mostly just goes along with my messy head. Even as I type this I can hear her say “nah, you’re good, don’t worry about it love.” She never gets tired of me even when I’m tired of me. Bloody hell she’s kind too, but not in a sugar coat everything way though. Even when she’s having a bad hair day she is nice. I’m never nice when I’m having a bad hair day. Last week the hairdressers used too much toner and my hair turned purple. But purple hair means jack shit when someone close to you has had their spirit broken so I just waved off the hairdresser with a whatever attitude and an eye roll.
My friend is super smart and funny in a no bullshit kind of way. Some people make you want to be a better version of yourself and she is one of those. There’s also never any drama with her. She is the kind of girl you want on your team because she is passionate and determined. She is surrounded by people who love her because she is the kind of person who attracts goodness. I know that our friendship is one that will take us through the decades, I know we have many more highs and lows and I will happily ride the roller coaster with her. She is just one awesome human being and it’s easy to be her friend. I don’t think she knows this of herself.
So I’ve been pissed off at the universe this week, pissed off that the universe has dished out something to someone who deserves better, all in the name of fate. Bad things happen to good people all the time, I’ve even written about it before here but even still it blindsides you when it happens.
My friend will be okay, this I know to be true. Because she is strong and brave. Stronger and braver than she probably thinks she is.
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