It’s day seven of my hormone injections and so far I haven’t managed to a) offend any newspaper-reading strangers b) be compelled to watch our wedding video or c) poke people who are in my way. Things are good. Today was always going to be a bit iffy because after 7 days of tear-inducing hormones…
Inside Thoughts Out Loud
Dear ovaries, you are being performance managed
I don’t know why it was that when I woke this morning I was feeling strangely optimistic. The 2ww was over and for a split second I wondered if I would need to crack open the full box of pregnancy tests that seem to tease and taunt me everytime I open the bathroom cabinet. My…
One week waaaaiting
My fertility bracelet arrived this week and it is oh so pretty. It came in its very own pouch with a paper scroll explaining its meaning. The stones are all symbolic and the crystals have all of their own apparent healing powers. The moonstone in particular is a stone of new beginnings, a feminine stone that…
The back story
I started this blog quite awhile into the whole IVF, baby making journey and so my recent posts have been a bit back dated as to where I’ve come from. In order to play catch up I’ve decided to write a full post about the last 12 months. I’m nearing another round of IVF so…
2 weeks waaaaaiting
In TTC world (Trying to Conceive) the 2 week wait is known as the 2ww. (And you thought it was just the kids that had all the fun with acronyms). We are technically day 2 of the 2ww. Despite a 1% chance of falling pregnant naturally and whilst we are readying for another shot at…
Periods & Frocks
My library of fertility related books is growing by the minute. The only book I damn well want to buy is “What to expect when you are expecting” but alas every time I hit the bookstore this one purchase still alludes me. Instead it’s “IVF for Dummies” and “The Fertility Bible”. What idiot thought it would…