I originally wrote this piece for a work blog and when I shared it with some clients I had mixed responses. The Bachelor has a way to polarise public opinion. There’s not a lot of fence sitting going on. I have a number of friends, colleagues and clients who watch The Bachelor and see it as…
Inside Thoughts Out Loud
When you feel broken inside
There is someone I know, someone I care for a lot who is in a pretty dark, broken place at the moment. I am pissed off at the darkness, I want to wrestle it away for her. Her story isn’t mine to share so there are no names and no details. The circumstances no longer…
Three year olds – a survival guide
Years ago I remember a friend telling me that parenting a child aged three is magic. At the time I thought it was such a lovely thing to say. Her declaration came at a time when I was still in that very early newborn phase which to me was also a bit like the honeymoon phase…
My toddler gave me a performance review
So it turns out mothers have been feeling guilty for way longer than I thought. That they have been judging themselves as parents for decades. Weirdly I figured it was something that my generation of mothers invented. There’s this scene in the second episode of This Is Us that made me think of all of…
Trial by social media
In the last 48 hours or so there has been a shit storm on social media. A workplace conflict involving two journalists and an outfit mishap. It could certainly have been handled better. But hey, we’re all perfect aren’t we? I have spent 20 years in recruitment so I’ve seen and heard my fair share of workplace…
What I wish I’d known
Every now and then certain pregnancy/parenting topics pop up that start a conversation, create a debate and then usually end up being labelled “mummy wars”. I don’t buy into the whole mummy war thing – I’ve never personally come across it and I don’t know anyone who has. Unless people are talking about me behind my…