fI haven’t felt like writing much this week. Not so much that I didn’t want to write, I just haven’t felt as though I had anything to say that didn’t seem frothy and irrelevant. This week my very dear friend lost someone so very close to her, someone she loved immensely, a soul sister. She and her husband are grief stricken, of course…
Inside Thoughts Out Loud
The strength of mothers
It’s been a bit of an ordinary week in that I know two mothers having a really shit time right now. Really confronting stuff and each are hurting for different reasons. One of whom I’ve been friends with forever and a day, a school friend so I’m talking 30 years of history. Another I don’t know…
Just a spoonful of sugar
When I was returning to work after Charlie was born I was lucky. MM and I run our own business in recruitment so returning to work though had its challenges, what I didn’t have to worry about was negotiating the terms with my employer. I am my own employer. Though these days I feel a…
The mother I wish I was
Lately I’ve been feeling a bit anxious about my skill as a mother. I use the word skills lightly because I’m mostly just winging motherhood, I sure as hell don’t think I’m particularly skilled at it. I don’t use the word anxious lightly because, well I’m usually anxious about something. Between work, motherhood, being a wife, attempting…
We are family
Flicking through my diary last week I came across the date 26 March. The square had a little silver heart sticker in it. A reminder that it would be two years to the day that my Nan passed away. Though she was 96, her death was a shock to our family. If you knew my Nan…
Mother’s Group saved my sanity
There’s nothing like having a newborn baby that you have no idea what to do with to give your confidence a bit of a shake, rattle and roll. Newborns are divine things but by God they are hard to figure out. Having spent a bunch of years in IVF I thought I was all over the “positive…