Blogging for me started as an outlet from the relentless and exhausting experience of undergoing IVF. It was part journal, part relief and a way to update family and friends who knew we were undergoing fertility treatment. It was far easier to write about a failed IVF attempt than it was to ring someone to…
I’m that mother
I’m that mother that you see at the park. The one who has one eye on their child and another on their phone. Funnily enough, I don’t feel that I’m being watched by other mothers and I don’t feel like I’m being judged. I’ve never had anyone give me a look that says “you’re a…
How real is your highlight reel?
Every now and then there is a meme that pops up on Facebook that goes along the lines of not comparing yourself to someone else’s Facebook activity because it’s really just our highlight reel. It rings true to me, being the queen of comparisons and all. I know if everything for me is going to custard it seems…