When I was returning to work after Charlie was born I was lucky. MM and I run our own business in recruitment so returning to work though had its challenges, what I didn’t have to worry about was negotiating the terms with my employer. I am my own employer. Though these days I feel a…
The mother I wish I was
Lately I’ve been feeling a bit anxious about my skill as a mother. I use the word skills lightly because I’m mostly just winging motherhood, I sure as hell don’t think I’m particularly skilled at it. I don’t use the word anxious lightly because, well I’m usually anxious about something. Between work, motherhood, being a wife, attempting…
We are family
Flicking through my diary last week I came across the date 26 March. The square had a little silver heart sticker in it. A reminder that it would be two years to the day that my Nan passed away. Though she was 96, her death was a shock to our family. If you knew my Nan…
Mother’s Group saved my sanity
There’s nothing like having a newborn baby that you have no idea what to do with to give your confidence a bit of a shake, rattle and roll. Newborns are divine things but by God they are hard to figure out. Having spent a bunch of years in IVF I thought I was all over the “positive…
Dear Rosie Batty,
I don’t know you but I know this of you. You are remarkable. Brave. Passionate. Strong. How extraordinary it is that you are admired and honoured for something you never would have wished to have been a part of. You are telling a story that you wish had never been written much less be the…
“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.” – Bowie
It seems strange that when a celebrity dies there is this weird emotion. It’s sad but a weird kind of sad because it’s not as if you knew the person but you feel strangely connected to them at that time. When news spread 24 hours ago that David Bowie had died my reaction was not that dissimilar…