Any parent of a small person not living under a rock (even if they wish there were) would know of Bluey. Set in Brisbane, it is a celebration of family life and is infinitely relatable. It’s the Peppa Pig of Australia which is excellent news because Peppa is obnoxious and annoying. The episodes are diverse…
An open letter to my son about International Women’s Day
The other day I told you that it was soon going to be International Women’s Day. I should not have been surprised that your immediate response to this information was to ask when it was going to be International Kid’s Day, to which I hastily replied, ‘that would be every day.’ Pretty sure I saw…
My seven year old called me an idiot and I feel like I’m failing as a parent
Last week my sweet, kind, spirited and funny little boy called me an idiot. And I felt my heart crack. As he has grown from toddlerhood to boyhood we’ve had our standard supply of tantrums and meltdowns. Typical and normal, a manifestation of big emotions, tiredness, hanger and expected patterns of behaviour for his age…
We capture the firsts, but what about the lasts?
Anchored in what felt the baby and toddler time warp, I would think ahead to the future, because you know, ‘this to shall pass’ is the obligatory mother manta, and I would wonder what it would be like when there would be no more anxiety around sleeping, napping and wake times. No more smooshed sultanas…
I turned 50 and though I wasn’t feeling invisible, I felt irrelevant
I turned 50 on the weekend. When I was young, 50 sounded old, an inconceivable time far into the future. Yet here I am, at a milestone because so far so good that I’ve made it to this point. #halfacentury I hadn’t really thought too much about it, age being just a number and there…
“I smell hand sanitiser”
Walking through a national park, surrounded by nature and not the confines and walls of our own home, I sensed a shift and began to think that maybe we were nearing the end of the corona time warp. Nothing like a pandemic to mess with ones sparkle. I’m not very good at being at one…