Having faced the real and agonising possibility of never having a child, the idea of having more than one child was not something I could entertain. It was inconceivable, literally and figuratively. Undergoing IVF, I made bargains with the universe. Give me one baby and I will never ask for anything ever again. I will…
only child
Just the three of us
You know that feeling when you use to think one thing and suddenly because of what becomes your lived experience you start to think differently? Yep, I do. What feels like a lifetime ago, but was only two years ago, I wrote a blog post called “I have one child, not an only child.” It…
What happens if your one child wants a sibling?
A friend is preparing for the arrival of her second baby and this makes my heart sing. A new baby is a reminder of all that is right and lovely and hopeful. A sweet, little being who will create beautiful chaos. Her soul is preparing to once again be transformed and I am simply looking forward to…
I have one child not an only child
When Charlie was about a year old I was asked by someone when baby number 2 was coming along. I wasn’t at all offended by this question and I didn’t know this person especially well so my response was fairly neutral, I didn’t go into any details but simply explained that we wouldn’t be having…